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Assessment Tool Services


The center offers a borrowing service for various assessment tools. This service is exclusively available to special education teachers in elementary, junior high, high school, and higher education institutions in the Tainan and Penghu areas, as well as students from the Department of Special Education at the University of Tainan.

Special Education Center Assessment Tool Borrowing Guidelines

  1. Only faculty and students of the Department of Special Education may borrow assessment tools within the institution. Students from the department must obtain their advising professor's signature on the application form before borrowing any assessment tools.
  2. If the assessment tools are for teaching purposes, please follow borrowing rules and complete the borrowing process in advance at the Special Education Center.
  3. Diagnostic assessment tools for students with special education needs may only be borrowed by professional assessors for diagnostic purposes.
  4. External units (limited to those within the school's advisory zone) must submit an official document and complete the Assessment Tool Application Form to borrow assessment tools.
  5. To borrow the Wechsler Intelligence Test, you must submit an official document along with a Wechsler Test Training Certificate (one certificate per borrowed set).
  6. The borrowing period is two weeks. To extend, borrowers must personally visit the Special Education Center to renew the loan, limited to one extension of an additional two weeks.
  7. Prior to borrowing, the borrower must inspect the assessment materials. In the event of damage, contamination, or loss, the borrower will be responsible for paying double the original price of the assessment tool, and borrowing privileges will be suspended for six months.
  8. Consumable items, such as test sheets, record books, and screening papers, are provided solely for assessment use and not for consumption. Please avoid marking or altering consumables.
  9. Upon returning the tool, relevant staff at the Special Education Center must inspect and sign for it. Users must adhere to assessment ethics, strictly maintaining confidentiality regarding the content of the assessment tools. Reproduction of materials is strictly prohibited.
  10. Please complete all required information on the Assessment Tool Borrowing Application Form.
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